
Censor Releases Video Addressing Nadia Cheating Allegations

Nadia is one of the biggest Warzone Streamers out there, and that position has come with a lot of allegations. Nadia’s fame has certainly been elevated by cheating allegations, but now other influencers are involved.

Censor rose to popularity after his time as a Call of Duty pro, and for a long time was a streamer for Faze Clan. Now he has taken aim at Call of Duty hackers, and Nadia has fallen in his crosshairs.

Let’s take a look at the story so far.

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Nadia Call of Duty Cheating Allegations

Nadia has been dodging cheating allegations for some time, but the allegations took off after Call of Duty Next. Rumours began circulating that she had been asked to leave due to cheating at the event.

This turned out to be a misunderstanding, as Nadia was simply asked to give an interview, but that did little to quell rumours. She released a video explaining other allegations, most of which she boiled down to tech issues and crossed wires.

Censor and Hacker Hunting

Spoiler alert: Censor’s video barely addresses Nadia at all. Whether or not she will be a target of allegations from him remains to be seen, but since nothing has been proved so far it seems unlikely.

Censor has been using Hacker detection software developed by a friend to detect hackers in Vanguard. Now playing for the Boston Breach Academy, Censor is looking to retain his spot at the top of Vanguard ranked playlists.

Without more concrete evidence, it seems unlikely that Nadia will be shut down in any way. In the meantime, she remains one of the most popular Call of Duty Warzone streamers on Twitch.