
FC 25 – Best Starter Squad Right Backs

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It’s almost time for players to pick up their control and start playing FC 25, but until then, players are focused on building their Ultimate Team starting squads.

Right-back is one of the most important positions in FC 25, and users have been searching for the best ones to use in their starter squads.

Best FC 25 Starter Squad Right-Backs

A great right-back is crucial to have a solid defense, and paired with good center-backs, can make a defensive line that is almost impossible for opponents to get past.

Pace is the most important attribute in a right-back, as they have to be able to keep up with incredibly fast wingers, and also strikers. Physicality and defense are also quite important, as right-backs need to have good positioning and hold their own against strong opponents.

So let’s find out who are the best FC 25 starter squad right-backs.

Hakimi – 84 OVR

With an astonishing 91 pace, a solid 78 physical, and a decent 75 defense, Hakimi is the best starter squad right-back in FC 25.

The PSG star is almost impossible to outpace and has solid stats in both physical and defensive attributes. Hakimi can keep up with the fastest wingers in the game, and his 80 dribbling and 80 passing also make him a big treat in transition.

His defense attribute isn’t great, but it’s still serviceable, and his spectacular pace makes up for it.

Marcos Llorente – 83 OVR

Similar to Hakimi, Marcos Llorente is also lightning fast, with an 89 pace. However, the Atletico de Madrid star has slightly better defensive and physicality attributes, with 79 and 81 respectively.

Llorente can catch up to the fastest players in the game, and with 79 defense can disarm them with ease, and launch quick counterattacks. His 81 physicality also means he will win most physical battles against wingers, and hold his own against strong strikers.

Malo Gusto – 80 OVR

Malo Gusto closes out the top three, as the Chelsea right-back is impressively fast, with 88 pace. Gusto’s defense and physicality attributes are nothing to write home about, being a 73 and 75 respectively.

However, Gusto excels at the key attribute, pace, and is also expected to be a very affordable card. He isn’t going to overpower most wingers or strikers but will make sure they can’t get past him easily.

With Gust being a French player, and playing in the Premier League, it’s really easy to fit him into an Ultimate Squad, which is another thing in his favor.

Frimpong – 84 OVR

Frimpong is the fastest player on this list, with a spectacular 93 pace, which could be enough to have him as number one.

However, Frimpong has 69 physicality, and 75 defense, meaning he will lose most of his physical battles, which can put players in some dangerous defensive situations. Despite that, Frimpong is just too fast not to be listed as one of the best starter squad right-backs in FC 25.

Pace isn’t everything, but veteran FC players know that if right-backs can keep up with wingers, and don’t press at the wrong time, they will get the ball back sooner or later, or at least force the opponent to restart their attack.

Denzel Dumfries – 82 OVR

Inter right-back star, Denzel Dumfries, closes out the top five. Dumfries has 83 pace, 88 physicality, and 78 defense. He isn’t the fastest but is among the strongest players in the game, capable of overpowering wingers and strikers alike.

Dumfries pace can be a big disadvantage, as with only 83 pace there are many wingers that can outpace him. However, his physicality more than makes up for it, making it easy to overpower opponents with a strong shoulder charge, or using his strength to disarm opponents.

Other Great FC 25 Starter Squad Right-Backs

Here are some other great FC 25 starter squad right-backs users should consider.

Other great FC 25 starter squad right-backs
Kounde – 85 OVR
Walker – 84 OVR
Dalot – 82 OVR
Poro – 83 OVR
Boey – 79 OVR

These players possess some decent attributes, and would also be solid choices for the right-back position in a FC 25 starter squad.

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