How Old is Briar in League of Legends?

After weeks of leaks and speculations, along with days filled with eerie teasers in the client where the resonant clanging of Briar’s pillory against prison bars echoes ominously, Riot Games has finally unveiled additional information and insights about the upcoming “sweet but deadly” League of Legends champion.
In Briar’s official “Champion Insights” article, cinematic trailer, and splash art, she is portrayed as a young adult, and her story is revealed to be one of coming-of-age. However, many League of Legends fans are curious about her exact age, particularly considering her history with Noxus’ enigmatic cabal, the Black Rose.
What is Briar’s age in League of Legends?
As of now, Briar’s age has not been officially revealed by Riot Games. It’s worth noting that Riot typically doesn’t have a tradition of explicitly stating the ages of their characters. Oftentimes, the champion’s time in the world of Runeterra is left up to the community’s interpretation.
Nevertheless, League of Legends fans can glean some insights regarding Briar’s age from the lore that Riot’s dev team has shared.

Drawing from Briar’s “Champion Insights” article, Briar was created by Vladimir using hemomancy in an attempt to create a living weapon for the secretive Noxian organisation, the Black Rose.
Apparently, the Black Rose made her “sentient so that she could understand and execute orders”. But a fatal flaw emerged. In order to eliminate her targets, the Black Rose kept Briar in a frenzied state, causing her to be in a perpetual bloodthirsty rage.

Briar was uncontrollable. Her killing spree extended beyond her intended targets — she struck down anyone who crossed her path, even fellow Noxians. For the “calculated and discrete Black Rose”, she proved to be more of a “liability than an asset”. After failing that mission, she was captured by Swain’s forces and confined to a cell in a holding facility. The pillory that shackles her, in turn, focuses her mind.
Narrative Lead Max “TwoWeevils” Folkman reveals that Briar is aware she killed “too many other people”. Briar knows that she was a failed experiment. “That’s part of her burden now. She’s redefining herself.”

In the lore of Runeterra, as part of their ambition to unify all nations under a single banner, Noxus remains in a constant state of war with numerous nations, including its long-standing rival, Demacia. Therefore, it’s difficult to pinpoint exactly when Briar was created, and whether she ages at all.
However, judging by Briar’s character design, it seems that the Black Rose created her to resemble a young adult.
Briar release date
According to Riot Meddler, Briar will arrive on the Rift much sooner than expected! Players can anticipate Briar to be released with patch 13.19, which is set to launch on 13 September 2023.
Briar is also currently available on the League of Legends PBE client. Get a first taste of what Briar will bring to the table, ensuring your dominance over the competition once she receives her official launch!
Interested in learning more about Briar? We’ve got you covered. Discover everything you need to know about her unique ability kit, and whether she shares the same voice actor as Jinx!