How to acquire the Ravenous Aspect in Diablo 4?
Aspects in Diablo 4 provide players the ability to enhance their gear and abilities. There are several aspects built into the game which allow players to take their build to the next level. Rogues are known for their incredible agility and their precise use of daggers. Considering this, you might have a hard time managing the energy bar, which is where the Ravenous aspect comes in. The Ravenous Aspect is a legendary aspect specific to the Rogue class which can provide a significant boost to your energy regeneration upon killing vulnerable enemies.
What Does the Ravenous Aspect Do in Diablo 4?
If you are running a Rogue build, you must definitely get your hands on the Ravenous Aspect in the game. If you kill vulnerable enemies, not only will you do 20% more damage, but you will also receive a 50-70% increase in energy regeneration for four seconds. This legendary aspect can really come in clutch when you are dealing with some challenging hordes of enemies in confined dungeons.
Where to Get the Ravenous Aspect in Diablo 4?
Ravenous Aspects in Diablo 4 can be obtained through two methods. The first one is through legendary loot drops. If you are already at world tier 3 or 4, you can increase its drop rate by battling elite enemies and by opening chests that will give you access to legendary items. These items can be sacrificed to access the legendary aspect. The only advantage of using this method is that you might acquire a higher value aspect than you would if you used the second method. Keep in mind that it is not very reliable and does come with the added hustle of having to grind through dungeons.

The second method is a very definitive way to acquire the Ravenous aspect. Players need to head to the Shifting City dungeon in the Dry Steppes. Upon completing the dungeon, the Ravenous Aspect will be added to your codex of power. Keep in mind that you will acquire a lower-value aspect if you use this method instead of the first one. However, we recommend you try it this way, as this provides a surefire chance at getting the aspect.