LoL 13.2 COUNTDOWN – release time, date, patch notes & latest news

League of Legends’ second update of the year, LoL 13.2, is finally here, and although underwent some unexpected changes due to unforeseen circumstances, players can still expect much to play with.
This patch will mostly focus on ADCs, taking a look at mana, including base starting pools, growth, regen, and more. Alongside those changes, one of League’s oldest champions, Annie, will be getting several buffs, and numerous items will be getting balancing and tuning.
Ahri’s highly-anticipated ASU was slated for LoL 13.2, however, that has since been moved to the 13.3 patch.
Knowing this, here’s what’s in store for LoL 13.2 as we count down to its release time.
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LoL 13.2 Release Time & Date
Adhering to the League of Legends patch schedule for Season 13, LoL 13.2 is set to release on Thursday, January 26, 2022. As always, players can expect League of Legends servers to go down for maintenance at 6 am EST before going live with the new update at 9 am EST.
For a more accurate timeframe, follow our countdown below to make sure you don’t miss out on the fun!
Once the patch is live, players will be able to enjoy numerous new skins, the new event, as well as plenty of buffs, nerfs, and overall changes from its patch notes
LoL 13.2 Patch Notes Highlights
As mentioned previously, although it experienced some unexpected changes, patch 13.2 will still bring on tons of changes.
Here’s a rundown on the 13.2 patch notes:
- 27 total champions receive buffs, nerfs, or changes
- Mana Changes to Ashe, Caitlyn, Ezreal, Jhin, Jinx, Kai’Sa, Lucian, Miss Fortune, Senna, Sibir, Twitch, Xayah
- Adjustments to Annie
- Buffs to Azir, Lillia, Syndra, Zoe
- Nerfs to Gangplank, Heimerdinger, Kassadin, Kindred, Maokai, Mordekaiser, Nami, Ryze, Udyr, Yuumi
- Item Changes
- 23 total items receive buffs, nerfs, or changes
- Rune Changes
- Change to Overheal
- System Changes
- Changes to Chemtech Dragon Soul, Chemtech Blight, Mosstomper