LoL: ARAM tier list for patch 13.24b

ARAM is one of the popular game modes in LoL, where players have to play with random champions in the narrow lane of the Howling Abyss map. Since ARAM is played in the narrow lane of the Howling Abyss map, ranged champions tend to have an advantage, due to the layout of the map.
Some LoL champions are perfectly made for this game mode and excel in Howling Abyss. It’s crucial to know which are the best champions in ARAM to have the best chance of winning, and our tier list does just that.
So let’s take a look at it.
LoL ARAM champions tier list
As LoL constantly evolves with every patch update the best ARAM champions are constantly changing. Some champions are buffed and climb the tier list rankings, while others are nerfed and fall several places.
So it’s crucial to know which champions are strong before entering the battlefield. We curated this tier list for that, as it shows who are the best ARAM champions on patch 13.24b. With these champions, you will rule the battlefield and become the ARAM king.
We ranked the champions into four tiers based on their win rate, pick rate, overall performance, skills, and abilities. The Champions listed on the S tier are the best and most powerful champions, which you should pick whenever possible.

The A tier champions are good champions who struggle against some champions in the S tier. However, if you have mastered any of them, you can still single-handedly carry a game.
The B tier champions are decent but they are outperformed in certain situations. Keep in mind that these champions are significantly weaker than the ones on the S and A tiers. So we advise you to use them only if you have skillfully mastered them.
Lastly, the C tier champions are the ones you should avoid at all costs if you want to win of course. If you are just looking to have fun, then some of them can be a great pick.
LoL best ARAM champions in Patch 13.24b
Jhin (S)

Jhin is one of the best champions in ARAM with a 53.75% win rate. There is no champion as powerful as Jhin in Howling Abyss, as his ultimate covers the whole Howling Abyss lane, resulting in enemies not getting the chance to escape.
Jhin excels at dealing high damage and executing enemies with his attacks. The Deadly Flourish single-shot attack has incredible range and allows him to root an enemy that has taken damage. Jhin’s passive, Whisper, which is a hand cannon, deals superior damage and gives Jhin bonuses to his movement speed.
What makes Whisper even more deadly is its curtain call, which transforms Jhin’s hand canon into a powerful shoulder-mounted mega-canon that can fire 4 shots at extreme range. This attack slows down enemies to 80% for 0.5 seconds, while the last shot of the curtain call critically strikes an enemy and deals a lot of physical damage.
If you want to rule the ARAM battlefield then Jhin is your best option. He has an incredibly long attack range, good movement speed, and deals huge amounts of damage.
Seraphine (A)

As mentioned above, the A tier champions are also considered good. They can turn games around and sometimes even win them single-handedly. Seraphine is the strongest champion in this tier on patch 13.24b, boasting a 51.46% win rate.
She is very easy to master, and once you figure out how to use her you will drastically increase your chances of winning teamfights. Seraphine is a beast in the late game, as her ultimate deals a lot of damage, and also CC’s all the opponents caught by it.
Seraphine can also heal and shield her allies which automatically gives you an advantage. If you haven’t played with her before you should try it. Seraphine ultimate and passive are quite strong in ARAM and can change the game course in your favour.
Jax (B)

The B tier champions are not always the go-to options, especially in ARAM. If you skillfully master them then they can be good champions on the battlefield, with some of them having a 50.90% win rate.
Jax has some nice abilities and skills that make him a great champion to engage and deal a lot of damage. He also has good sustain and survivability, which makes him quite strong in teamfights.
His passive, Relentless Assault, increases his basic attacks attack speed. Jax’s leap strike allows him to leap onto enemies or allies and also empowers his attacks. Counterstrike is a great combat tool that Jax has, which allows him to dodge all incoming attacks and then quickly stun all nearby enemies in range.
Grandmaster-At-Arms is Jax ultimate, and when activated it allows him to deal additional magic damage with every third consecutive attack. Jax ultimate also gives him the ability to deal damage around himself and increases his armor and magic resistance for a short time.
Singed (C)

Singed isn’t a champion we advise you to play with in ARAM. If you still decide to play with him, you must know he has some decent abilities, but that he faces plenty of difficulties, especially in the early game.
Singed has a Noxious slipstream passive, which allows him to draft off nearby champions and boosts his movement speed when passing them. His other skills are Poison Trail and Mega Adhesive, and both deal damage to enemies while also slowing and grounding those who walk on them.
Singed’s E ability allows him to fling enemies into his Mega Adhesive, rooting them for a short time.
The C tier champions aren’t as reliable and strong as the S or A tier and have the lowest ARAM win rates, so avoid picking them.
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