
NBA 2K24 Update: Shooting changes, steals fixed & more

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A new update has arrived at NBA 2K24 and brings some very important changes!

After releasing Patch 1.7, whose main goal was making the transition to Season 3 as smooth as possible, 2K released a new update today. This new update focuses on addressing the shooting and steals problems that have plagued NBA 2K24.

This update is arguably the most important to date, as it addresses key problems, and the changes will have a huge impact on the NBA 2K24 gameplay side.

So, let’s find out everything about this new NBA 2K24 update.

Making shots in NBA 2K24 was never this easy!

The NBA 2K24 community has complained a lot about shooting, with players saying shooting was inconsistent. Sometimes it seemed impossible to get the ball through the basket, while other times your shoot would go in no matter what.

So, 2K decided to increase the shooting make window on Hall Of Fame difficulty and in competitive multiplayer modes, such as The Rec or Park, when the shoot meter is turned off.

The developers also reduced the shooting make window on shoots that are heavily contested. This change applies to games played in Hall Of Fame difficulty, or in competitive multiplayer modes.

Furthermore, the defensive impact on late closeouts was also reduced, so it should be much easier to shoot in NBA 2K24. We just hope this doesn’t make shooting too easy.

Shooting has been one of the major NBA 2K24 problems, and 2K has made plenty of changes to try and fix it, but the issue persisted. 2K hopes the changes in this update will fix the problem for good, but we will have to wait and see.

Steals are finally fixed!

The steals feature has been broken for quite some time, and the NBA 2K community hasn’t stopped complaining about it.

Spamming the steal button, no matter how far away from the opponent your player was, would result in him stealing the ball from his hands. This would make some games almost unplayable, with multiple steals occurring in a short period.

Because of that, 2K has finally decided to reduce the on-ball steal success, which, in theory, should fix the steals problem. Hopefully, steals now actually require some skill, and not just spamming the button.

Overall, these changes are very positive, on paper, and should make NBA 2K24 much more enjoyable to play. However, only time will tell if they were successful.

For more guides and news, go visit RealSport101, where you can also read our NBA 2K24 review.