Phantom Matrix Brings Theatrical Puzzles To PC VR This July

Phantom Matrix brings a room-scale theatrical puzzle game to PC VR this Summer, arriving through Steam Early Access.
Developed by Cybertail Games, Phantom Matrix describes itself as a “theatrical, physics-based, stealth puzzle action game.” With your friends kidnapped, humanity gone and only cats available to assist, each chapter ends with a boss fight, who grants new abilities upon being defeated. Requiring 2.25m² space for room-scale gameplay, here’s the official description:
Phantom Matrix is a theatrical, physics-based stealth puzzle VR game. As a game developer, your mission is to seek the truth after all mankind has been possessed. Armed with your wits and the “game” power, it’s time to save your game and friends.
“The first patch of early access provided the game of the prologue and half of the first chapter,” confirms CyberTail in a Steam FAQ. “The full version of Phantom Matrix will feature 7 chapters full story, 7 bosses, 7 abilities and a functional level editor.” The team anticipates they need “approximately 15 to 18 months” to complete Phantom Matrix, advising the level editor might need more time.
Phantom Matrix arrives on July 24, 2023 on PC VR in Steam Early Access, and a free demo is available now.