
Primal Beast’s Ultimate Bug Abuse is Ruining Pubs

It’s been a full month since the release of the Patch 7.32 update, along with minor updates to balance the game. However, just like any other games there are still a few bugs within the game that players are cleverly taking advantage of. Recently, players have discovered a new bug within the game, where Tiny could Toss heroes that are being pummeled by Primal Beast’s ultimate ability Pulverize.

While the bug sounded harmless at first, players that are Tossed while being Pulverized will be rendered useless throughout the game as the bug will cause players to be stuck near Primal Beast, giving the enemy an unfair advantage.

Primal Beast tosses heroes into oblivion

A month after the release of Dota Patch 7.32 saw multiple bugs being patched by the Dota 2 developers, Valve. These bugs include Dark Seer’s ability to retain his Aghanim’s Scepter ability upgrade after selling it quickly on first purchase.

However, it seems that players have found another way to ruin the game at the expense of others as a bug regarding Primal Beast and Tiny was discovered and publicized on Dota 2’s subreddit. The bug will occur in-game when Tiny used his “Toss” ability on an enemy during Primal Beast’s channeling of his “Pulverize” ultimate ability, causing the tossed enemy to apparently be stuck near Primal Beast after the ultimate, giving the latter and his team an easy target by unintentionally feeding them.

This can also be replicated with heroes like Lion who can use Earth Spike to cause heroes to “Sky Walk” in the same manner.

Furthermore, the bug causes the affected enemy to be unable to play the game entirely as they would be phasing in and out of the map if the Primal Beast dies.

Even though Valve has issued a small update last week with Patch 7.32c, it appears that the Dota 2 developers may have overlooked the bug. Players may get creative and try to find new ways to exploit game bugs following the release of the recent patch update earlier this week as The International 2022 (TI11) is about to start on 8th October, with the Last Chance Qualifiers.