Retro Gamer issue 241 is out today!

The last Retro Gamer of 2022 hits the shelves today, and we’re celebrating the sewer-dwelling saviours of the city, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! From Konami’s classic games to this year’s excellent beat-’em-up Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge, we chronicle the history of the licence with the help of Digital Eclipse – the team behind Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Cowabunga Collection. It’s a fascinating licensed property – as well as the obvious choices for genuinely worthwhile games across the decades, there are overlooked entries like Ubisoft’s excellent Game Boy Advance game and surprising duds from well known developers such as Platinum Games.
Of course, that’s not all we have to offer. You can read all about the creation of games including the classic crossover Lego Star Wars, the appropriately snowy 1080 Snowboarding, Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri and the awesome Amiga game Fightin’ Spirit. We’ve also got a tribute to the games of Hewson and Ultimate Guides to Strider’s spiritual successor Cannon Dancer and Sabre Wulf – a fine choice for an Ultimate Guide feature if ever there was one. Beyond those things, you’ll find pieces on The Jungle Book, Zero Wing, The Legend Of Zelda: The Minish Cap, WipEout Pure and the 3DO FZ-10, as well as all your favourite regular pieces including Back To The Noughties, Homebrew, Collector’s Corner, Hot Topic and My Retro Life.
You can find issue 241 of Retro Gamer in all good newsagents, or if you don’t fancy braving a trip out in the cold, you can order a copy online via