These Are The Most Iconic Indian Characters In Video Games!
Indians have always had a crucial representation when it comes to the world of video games. We’ve seen some popular titles in the video game industry that use Indian mythology and stories. In recent years, there has been a rise in Indian characters in popular games who’ve become iconic and loved by everyone. In this article, we’ll take a look at the top 5 most iconic Indian characters in popular video games!
5 Most Iconic Indian Characters in Video Games
1. Symmetra – Overwatch 2
While Overwatch 2 is a controversial game, it is certainly one of the biggest titles of the generation. The original Overwatch’s 12 heroes are some of the most loved characters in the gaming world. One of the most popular characters in the game is Symmetra, who has an Indian origin. She uses light-bending powers to defeat her enemies. Blizzard’s design for this character perfectly combines traditional Indian apparel with a futuristic look.

2. Jaydeep Mir – Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate
With a massive universe, it was only a matter of time before we saw an Indian character in Assassin’s Creed. The son of the last Sikh princess and a Kashmiri Muslim, Jaydeep Mir was brought up to be an Assassin, just like his father. As a member of the Indian Brother, he was incredibly skilled at swordsmanship and freerunning. While we don’t get to play as him in the game, he was crucial to the game’s story. Hopefully, Ubisoft will introduce more Indian-origin characters in the upcoming Assassin’s Creed games.
3. Harbour – Valorant
It’s a known fact that Valorant is one of India’s most popular FPS titles. It was only a matter of time before Riot Games introduced the first Indian-origin character in the game, Harbour. He has powerful water-bending capabilities and is one of the game’s best offensive and defensive agents. Harbour’s Indian accent is surprisingly accurate, showing Riot Games’ dedication to properly representing agents and their cultural backgrounds.

4. Farah – Prince of Persia
One of the most popular Indian characters in video games is Farah from the Prince of Persia franchise. A young Indian Princess and daughter of the Maharaja, she was captured as a war prize. Farah played a crucial role in the first part of the game, helping Prince deal with Sands of Time. She represents the confidence that modern Indian women are known for around the world.
5. Dhalsim – Street Fighter
Dhalsim from the Street Fighter franchise is a popular character with an Indian origin. His move set, and special attacks are some of the best in the title, allowing players to keep enemies at a distance while sending incredible fireballs. The character has been there in the Street Universe since its initial release.